G: Debbie Friedman
Victim of adoption scam
G: Fran Nielson
Victim of adoption scam
G: Peter Nielson
Victim of adoption scam
G: Darrell Robertson
Seeking custody of his child
G: Sherman J. Silber, M.D.
Author, How To Get Pregnant With the New Technology
appreciation, guests, closing monologue, sign off
TITLE: Adoption Lies (0726-93) PRODUCTION YEAR: 1993 LIBRARY: The Joan Rivers Show DIRECTOR: PRODUCER(S): COMPOSER: IMDB: IMDB SCORE: 0.0 TALENT: GENRE: Talk Show, TV ERA: 1990s ICONIC TITLE: no FILENAME: jr-0726-93-032 DURATION: 00:00:19:00 TIME IN: 00:57:58:00