The British arrive in Siam. Anna and the king, dressed in formal attire, discuss the dancing customs of their countries. Anna sings "Shall We Dance?". Sir Edward interrupts and is greeted by Anna; all go into the ballroom for the evening.
TITLE: King and I, The PRODUCTION YEAR: 1999 LIBRARY: Morgan Creek Entertainment DIRECTOR: Richard Rich PRODUCER(S): Peter Bakalian, Arthur Rankin, James G. COMPOSER: IMDB: IMDB SCORE: 0.0 TALENT: Christiane Noll, Ian Richardson, Miranda Richardson, Ed Trotta, Martin Vidnovic GENRE: Animation, Family, Iconic, Musical ERA: 1800s TERRITORY RIGHTS: Other TERM RIGHTS: Perpetuity ICONIC TITLE: yes FILENAME: mc-kingandi-028 DURATION: 00:03:32:00 TIME IN: 00:57:49:00