Brandon is on the phone with his clients. His mom calls. Brandon says he's going to fly her to New York first class, but she thinks all of this is too much and wonders who 'John Anthony' is and why he isn't Brandon Lang anymore. Walter bursts into the office to tell Brandon the biggest sports bettor in the world wants to meet with them in Puerto Rico.
TITLE: Two for the Money PRODUCTION YEAR: 2005 LIBRARY: Morgan Creek Entertainment DIRECTOR: D. J. Caruso PRODUCER(S): James G. Robinson, Jay Cohen, Guy McElwa COMPOSER: Christophe Beck IMDB: IMDB SCORE: 0.0 TALENT: Matthew McConaughey, Al Pacino GENRE: Crime, Iconic, Sports ERA: 2000s TERRITORY RIGHTS: Other TERM RIGHTS: Perpetuity ICONIC TITLE: yes FILENAME: mc-twoforthemoney-018 DURATION: 00:02:10:00 TIME IN: 00:57:03:00