Brandon rides his bike through Brooklyn. An elephant is walked down the street by his apartment. Brandon goes inside and watches a football game. The elephant is for Walter's daughter's birthday party. Brandon signals to Walter from a window.
TITLE: Two for the Money PRODUCTION YEAR: 2005 LIBRARY: Morgan Creek Entertainment DIRECTOR: D. J. Caruso PRODUCER(S): James G. Robinson, Jay Cohen, Guy McElwa COMPOSER: Christophe Beck IMDB: IMDB SCORE: 0.0 TALENT: Matthew McConaughey, Al Pacino, Rene Russo GENRE: Crime, Iconic, Sports ERA: 2000s TERRITORY RIGHTS: Other TERM RIGHTS: Perpetuity ICONIC TITLE: yes FILENAME: mc-twoforthemoney-007 DURATION: 00:01:42:00 TIME IN: 00:21:36:00