Someone leaves a newspaper under Mia's door. Mia frantically tries to leave; Nicole flags her down. Mia shows her the newspaper, a body washed up on the shore. Nicole points out the area is 20 miles away; it can't be Guy. Nicole wants to go with Mia, but Mia leaves her behind.
TITLE: Diabolique PRODUCTION YEAR: 1996 LIBRARY: Morgan Creek Entertainment DIRECTOR: Jeremiah S. Chechik PRODUCER(S): James G. Robinson, Marvin Worth COMPOSER: Randy Edelman IMDB: IMDB SCORE: 0.0 TALENT: Isabelle Adjani, Sharon Stone GENRE: Drama, Iconic, Mystery, Thriller/Suspense ERA: 1990s TERRITORY RIGHTS: Other TERM RIGHTS: Perpetuity ICONIC TITLE: yes FILENAME: mc-diabolique-019 DURATION: 00:01:05:00 TIME IN: 00:56:15:00